Mergers &

Mergers and Acquisitions can often assist the growth or strategic redirection of a company, new company or group of companies. The secret to successful M&A work is in finding the best strategic and cultural fit. Morph runs an end-to-end process including research, selection, due diligence, deal closing, and integration.

"Morph helped us identify suitable acquisition targets in the digital marketing space and became part of the team that assisted in the purchase of a creative agency in London. I had worked with Tim previously and a lot of the work we had done together spawned the thinking that helped DMG become the UK’s largest digital marketing agency in the UK within 4 years of its launch."

Ben Langdon

CEO Jaywing Digital Marketing Group

“The world of digital business  transformation is accessible,  but now is the time to morph!”

The business world has fundamentally changed. Uber, the world’s first taxi company owns no vehicles; Facebook the world’s most popular media owner creates no content; Alibaba, the world’s most valuable retailer has no inventory and Airbnb the world’s largest accommodation provider owns no real estate.

How should companies position themselves in this new ever evolving digital economy?

If you’re thinking it’s time to embrace the agile world of digital business you may already be behind the curve. Indeed, lessons have now been learnt from the case-study ‘failures’ of other companies who perhaps leapt a little too prematurely or perhaps didn’t leap at all because of a lack of understanding about the levels of investment required, getting the right skills on board and defining the optimal structure. The world of digital business transformation is accessible, but now is the time to morph!